A woman, the old woman, the child, the baby, and the old man are drawn.

Kashiragaki-zouho-kinmou-zui/ 4/ Person/ 3

A young woman and old woman are drawn on the right.
In the text, when calling it a “woman”, two or more reading is given.
Before marriage, when parents call after “a woman (Fu)” and marriage, it is written as “the woman (daughter).”
For old women, a thing like the kind of “婆 (Ba)” is written.
“嫗媼” seems to be the language which probably reads in an order of “媼嫗”, saying “Oou”, and puts an old woman with the present age.
Calling “うば (nurse)” “隠婆 (おんば)”, this points out a midwife.
Although the word “早婆 (so ば)” was also written, he does not understand which was carried out clearly 。

The child, the baby, and the old man are drawn on the left.
although the baby’s thing is written to be a “baby”, it is being written that “嬰 (Ei)” seemingly means that people start, and so calls it a baby.
Moreover, 嬰 is a female baby and is “兒 (a child’s old Chinese character” points out a man’s baby.).
“童 (Wara)” points out a child aged 15 and below.
moreover, the word showing the hairstyle of children, such as “髫髪子 (Unaiko)” and “総角 (Agemaki)”, has also pointed out “童.”
it seems that the old man is written to be “翁(Ou/Okina)”, and points to a senior.



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