“応以長者居士宰官婆羅門婦女身得度者即現婦女身而為説法(Ouityoujya-koji-baramon-fujyo-sintokudosya-sokugenbunyosinniisettpou)” is drawn immediately.
The title of an illustration “常磐御前(Tokiwa-gozen).
It is accompanied by three children and he walks. It is wavering in snow in the village in Fushimi.”
Then, the following is the free translation of an illustration portion.
“There were those who is called Tokiwa-gozen by the wife of 源義朝(Minamoto-no-yositomo) a long time ago.
In order to help a mother’s life, the body was presented to Taira no Kiyomori.
When Kiyomori’s love declined, it became Naganari Okura’s bride.
For this reason, Tokiwa-gozen handed down the non-honor which is an unchaste woman and to say to future generations.
The woman should keep chastity.”
For a woman, chastity is respected in Buddhism.
They will be the contents from the sense of values.
The matters that there should be a woman in the expository writing of this sutra like this are enumerated.
Although possibly he is seldom no longer conscious in the latest Japan, an ideal image called the wife who keeps such chastities too is considered to have existed clearly up to the Showa neighborhood.
Seemingly Joban Omae was a famous beauty and the illustration is also drawn beautifully.
Although accompanied by three children, I can hear from a posture or expression about female-likeness.
「応以長者居士宰官婆羅門婦女身得度者即現婦女身而為説法」という部分に関する挿絵が描かれています。挿絵のタイトルは「常磐御前 三人の子を連れて伏見の里の雪に迷う図」です。