A title is "Touriten"   figure of "Kikenjyou"."

Kannonkyou-wakun-zue/ Second volume/ 6

It is an illustration about the comment of the part of “應以帝釋身得度者即現帝釋身而為説法(Ouitaisyakusinkudosya-sokugentaisyakusinniisettpou)”.
A title is “忉利天(Touriten) figure of 喜見城(Kikenjyou).”

The following is the free translation of the text.

“I hear that the Kannon will preach by disguising oneself as the figure of 帝釈(Taisyaku: God which protects Buddhism) if it is necessary to 得度 (Tokudo: forsake the world since it becomes a priest) in the figure of Taisyaku .
Taisyaku is Sekai’s king called 地居天 (Tokokuten) in which God of 33 is.
The 3000 worlds are protected and 十善戒(Jyuuzenkai:A good deed of 10 ) are protected.
Those who do not protect the 10 good call it 10 wrong.”

10 善戒 refer to the following matter.
不殺生 (it does not kill).
不偸盗 (it does not take).
不邪淫 (an extramarital affair is not carried out).
不妄語 (a lie is not told).
不綺語 (empty language is not used as a mouth).
不悪口 (a bad word is not said).
不両舌 (the kind of argument is not said).
不慳貪 (it does not have superfluous avarice).
不瞋恚 (it does not get angry superfluously).
不邪見 (the instruction of Buddhism is not denied).

“Taisyaku lives in Kikenjyou with a solemn figure in the inside called 忉利天 (Touriten).
The Maya woman who is Shaka Nyorai’s mother was again born in the postmortem by good deed while in life at this Touriten.
And it became Princess of Taisyaku.
Buddha preaches for Taisyaku.
Princess which has gone up to Touriten was met, and 報恩経(Houongyou) was explained. ”

Although translating is not so confident difficultly, I think whether directivity is correct.

「應以帝釋身得度者即現帝釋身而為説法」という部分の解説に関する挿絵です。タイトルは「忉利天 喜見城の図」です。






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