A "poppy", "Viola mandshurica", and "Dandelion" are drawn)

Kachou-enshiki 22

A “poppy”, “菫(sumire)”, and “丹甫(tanpopo)” are drawn.
A “poppy” is read with a “poppy.”
“Sumire” reads with “Viola mandshurica” I think that Ranpopo” reads with “Dandelion” and is probably a “dandelion.”If it is called the flower of a poppy, a drug will occur, but since the kind of the poppy is used for the bean-jam bun etc., it is also a familiar plant.
The violet is carrying out the lovely figure and is a flower of a transitory impression.
As for the word “violaceous color”, a certain degree is carrying out the beautiful color.
A dandelion gets used anyone and is a deep flower.
With this picture, not the state of down but the state where the flower is in bloom is drawn.


Only monochrome jpg and ai vector data.

Sorry!Because in the renewal work, It is stopping the download.